Things i wish i knew before adopting my first cat

Being a cat ower can be a little challenging but at the same time it is worth it. I mean they are so fun to keep, each cat have different personality, and Being a cat owner for nearly 10 years it was a wonderful experience. But I still remember my first cat, man that was like, the most difficult phase of my cat keeping. So let me share with you the things I had wished I knew before getting my first cat. (Her name was kitty)

Litter box issue 

So I was really a new one with no experience in cat keeping what so ever and I had no idea that you have to train the cat to do their work in the litter box. So as everyone can imagine kitty did her work every where in the house. Mind you I was the one cleaning it every time. So it took some time for my cat to do her litter in litter box.

Time and commitment

Cats need daily care, including feeding, grooming, playtime, and litter box maintenance. And I had to be mindful of when kitty was in the mood to play, till when she wanted to ignore me.


Cats love to explore and have their own territory. Kitty really loved to explore and hunt. She would love to be in our neighbors house more than ours. She would rob fishes from our neighbors, and actually my neighbors were not that understanding so they used to shout on me saying you should lock your cat in the house. So basically cat like roaming around.


Owning a cat comes with financial responsibilities. Consider the costs of food, litter, toys, veterinary care, and potential emergencies. So I had to beg my parents for her expenses, even now. So if you are a student consider adopting a cat when you start working.

Long-term commitment

Cats can live for 15-20 years or more. Make sure you're ready for a long-term commitment to provide love and care. So kitty die when she was 7, actually she was killed by the dogs. But she could go up to 15.

Scratching whatever they get

Cats love to scratch, and sometimes they choose your furniture as their scratching post. I'll say this but kitty loved to scratch sit covers and that to of our neighbors. Ya, so the shoutings of those neighbors were for me, and they kind of hated kitty very much.

Health concerns

Cats can develop various health issues, such as dental problems, obesity, or urinary tract infections. Regular vet check-ups and a healthy diet can help prevent and manage these issues.

I would say that it was a crazy experience raising my kitty. She was sweet but spoiled and loved one. She had babies too, if I'm not mistaken around 15 of them. I loved her very very much still do. It pains me that she is not with me any more it has been 3 year since she died. Kitty a was very cooperating and understanding cat loving, adorable, and sometimes aggressive and brat. 

 Thank you for reading my blog,

See you I the next one.


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