Dos and Don'ts for betta fish keeping

 Betta fishes are really amazing fish you can never get bored of this fishes. Betta fishes also known as fighter fish are fascinating in every way possible. Betta fish have several unique characteristics that set them apart from other aquarium fish. But taking care of them can be a little tricky. So here are some dos and don'ts in betta keeping


- Do provide your betta with a proper-sized tank (at least 5 gallons) with a heater, light and filter.

Betta fish prefer larger tanks like 5 gallons or more because it provides them with more space to swim and explore. In smaller tanks or bowls, bettas can become stressed and their overall health can be negatively affected. A larger tank also allows for better water quality and stability, which is essential for the well-being of the fish. So, giving them a spacious home helps ensure that they can thrive and live a happy, healthy life.

- Do maintain the water temperature between 24-28°C and keep the water clean.

Betta fish prefer a water temperature around 24°C because it mimics their natural habitat in Southeast Asia. In this temperature range, their metabolism, digestion, and overall health are optimized. It's important to maintain a stable temperature within this range to keep your betta fish comfortable and thriving.

- Do provide hiding spots and plants for your betta to explore and rest.

Betta fish prefer hiding spots because it makes them feel secure and reduces stress. Having places to hide allows them to retreat and feel protected when they need to rest or escape from potential threats. Providing hiding spots in their tank, such as plants, caves, or decorations, helps create a more natural and comfortable environment for them.

- Do feed your betta a varied diet of high-quality betta pellets, frozen or live foods.

Betta fish prefer a varied diet of high-quality betta pellets, frozen, or live foods because it provides them with a balanced and nutritious meal. Just like us, they enjoy having different flavors and textures in their food. Offering a variety of food options helps ensure that they receive all the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy. 

Guide on best food for betta:

- Do monitor your betta's health regularly and address any signs of illness promptly.

Monitoring a betta's health regularly and addressing any signs of illness promptly is important because it helps ensure their well-being and longevity.  Bettas can experience health issues, such as fin rot, swim bladder disorder, or fungal infections. By observing their behavior, checking for any physical changes, and maintaining good water quality, you can catch any signs of illness early on. Taking prompt action, such as adjusting their diet, providing appropriate medication can help treat and prevent further complications. 

Fin rot

Swim bladder disorder 

Fungal infections 

- Do give your betta regular exercise by providing space to swim and occasional flaring.

It is beneficial for their physical and mental well-being. Just like humans, bettas need exercise to stay healthy and active. A spacious tank allows them to swim freely and explore their environment, which helps prevent muscle deterioration and promotes overall fitness. Flaring, where bettas display their beautiful fins, is a natural behavior that also provides exercise for their muscles. 


- Don't keep bettas in small containers or unheated bowls.

Bettas are tropical fish and require a suitable environment to thrive. Small containers or unheated bowls can restrict their movement and lead to stress, poor water quality, and temperature fluctuations that can negatively impact their health. Providing them with a properly sized tank, heated and filtered, helps recreate their natural habitat and ensures they have the space and conditions they need to live a happy and healthy life.

- Don't overcrowd the tank or keep multiple male bettas together.

Male bettas are known for their territorial nature and can become aggressive towards each other. Housing them together can lead to fights, stress, and even serious injuries. It's best to provide each betta with their own separate tank to ensure their safety and well-being. 

- Don't use sharp or rough decorations that could damage your betta's delicate fins.

Bettas have long, flowing fins that can easily get torn or snagged on sharp edges or rough surfaces. It's important to choose decorations that are smooth and gentle on their fins, such as soft plants or smooth rocks. 

- Don't overfeed your betta, as it can lead to health issues.

Bettas can only eat a certain amount of food to stay healthy. Feeding them too much can lead to obesity, bloating, and other health issues. It's important to follow the recommended feeding guidelines and provide a balanced diet for your betta. 

- Don't expose your betta to extreme temperature fluctuations or direct sunlight.

Bettas are tropical fish and require stable water temperatures to thrive. Drastic temperature changes can stress them out and weaken their immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases. Additionally, direct sunlight can cause rapid temperature fluctuations and promote the growth of algae, which can negatively affect the water quality. It's best to keep your betta's tank in a stable environment away from direct sunlight to ensure their well-being.

- Don't use harsh chemicals or soaps when cleaning the tank.

These substances can be toxic to fish and can harm their delicate gills and skin. It's important to use safe and aquarium-friendly cleaning products when maintaining your betta's tank. Regular water changes and gentle cleaning methods, such as using a sponge or brush designated for aquarium use, are usually sufficient to keep the tank clean and your betta healthy. 

Betta fishes are so beautiful and easy to take care of as long as you know the dos and don'ts. In my experience I have killed atleast 4 to 5 before knowing the dos. It was heart breaking to see my precious betta die, hope this blog helped you to identify the don'ts you should keep in mind and dos you should do.

Care guide on betta fish:

 Thank you for reading my blog,

See you in the next one.


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